
Standalone Mode

  • Install using pip:

    pip install cirrocumulus
  • Launch via the command line:

    cirro launch <path_to_dataset>
  • Full list of command line options:

    usage: cirro launch [-h] [--spatial [SPATIAL ...]] [--markers [MARKERS ...]]
                        [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--no-open]
                        [--results RESULTS] [--ontology ONTOLOGY]
                        [--tmap [TMAP ...]]
                        dataset [dataset ...]

    Positional Arguments


    Path(s) to dataset in h5ad, loom, Seurat, TileDB, zarr, or STAR-Fusion format. Separate multiple datasets with a comma instead of a space in order to join datasets by cell id

    Named Arguments


    Directory containing 10x visium spatial data (tissue_hires_image.png, scalefactors_json.json, and tissue_positions_list.csv) or a directory containing image.png, positions.image.csv with headers barcode, x, and y, and optionally diameter.image.txt containing spot diameter


    Path(s) to JSON file that maps name to features. For example {“a”:[“gene1”, “gene2”], “b”:[“gene3”]}


    Host IP address


    Server port

    Default: 5000


    Do not open your web browser

    Default: False


    URL to save user computed results (e.g. differential expression)


    Path to ontology in OBO format for annotation


    Path(s) to transport maps directory computed with WOT

Server Mode

Cirrocumulus can also be run in server mode in order to serve multiple users and datasets securely. The cirrocumulus server can be deployed on a cloud VM, an on-premise machine, or on Google App Engine.

  • Install cirrocumulus using pip or docker

  • Optional additional setup to enable authentication and authorization via Okta or Google:

    • Install additional libraries:

      • Google: pip install google-auth

      • Okta: pip install okta-jwt-verifier

    • Set environment variables:

      • CIRRO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID: to your Okta or Google client id

      • CIRRO_AUTH_PROVIDER: to either okta or Google.

      • CIRRO_AUTH_ISSUER (okta only). The URL of the authorization server that will perform authentication. All Developer Accounts have a “default” authorization server. The issuer is a combination of your Org URL (found in the upper right of the console home page) and /oauth2/default. For example,

    • See Okta documentation for creating custom app integrations with Okta.

    • Visit the Google OAuth 2.0 documentation to obtain OAuth 2.0 credentials for Google.

    • Please note that https is required if using Okta or Google authentication

  • Additional libraries needed for cloud storage:

    • Amazon S3: pip install s3fs

    • Google Cloud Storage: pip install gcsfs

    • Microsoft Azure: pip install adlfs

  • Install MongoDB and start the MongoDB server. Note that MongoDB compatible databases such as DocumentDB can also be used.

  • Start the server via the command line:

    cirro serve
  • Use the prepare_data command to freeze an h5ad, loom, or Seurat file in cirrocumulus format.

  • Add a dataset and optionally share with dataset with collaborators. If you enabled authentication, then no users are allowed to add datasets to cirrocumulus. Set the property “importer” to true on an entry in the users collection to enable that user to import datasets. For example, the following screenshot in MongoDB Compass shows that the user with the email address, is allowed to add datasets to cirrocumulus:

  • You can programmatically add a dataset by posting to the /api/dataset endpoint:

    curl http://localhost:5000/api/dataset -X POST -F 'name=my_name' -F 'url=data/my_dataset_path' -F 'description=my_desc'  -F 'species=Mus musculus'
  • Additional customization via environment variables:

    • CIRRO_MOUNT: For mounting a bucket locally. Comma separated string of bucket:local_path. Example s3://foo/bar:/fsx

    • CIRRO_SPECIES: Path to JSON file for species list when adding new dataset

    • CIRRO_MIXPANEL: Mixpanel project token for event tracking. Currently, only the open dataset event is supported.

  • Optionally, set the default view for a dataset by adding the field “defaultView” to your dataset entry in the database. You can configure the cirrocumulus state in the app, then use “Copy Link” to get the JSON configuration for “defaultView”. Example:

  • Full list of command line options:

    usage: cirro serve [-h] [--db_uri DB_URI] [-w WORKERS] [-t TIMEOUT] [-b BIND]
                       [--footer FOOTER] [--header HEADER] [--upload UPLOAD]
                       [--results RESULTS] [--ontology ONTOLOGY]

    Named Arguments


    Database connection URI

    Default: “mongodb://localhost:27017/cirrocumulus”

    -w, --workers

    The number of worker processes

    -t, --timeout

    Workers silent for more than this many seconds are killed and restarted

    Default: 30

    -b, --bind

    Server socket to bind. Server sockets can be any of $(HOST), $(HOST):$(PORT), fd://$(FD), or unix:$(PATH). An IP is a valid $(HOST).

    Default: “”


    Markdown file to customize the application footer


    Markdown file to customize the application header


    URL to allow users to upload files


    URL to save user computed results (e.g. differential expression) to


    Path to ontology in OBO format for annotation

Static Website

  • Clone the cirrocumulus repository:

    git clone
  • Change to cirrocumulus directory:

    cd cirrocumulus
  • Install typescript:

    yarn global add typescript
  • Install JavaScript dependencies:

    yarn install
  • Prepare dataset(s) in jsonl format:

    cirro prepare_data pbmc3k.h5ad --format jsonl
  • Build JavaScript:

    REACT_APP_STATIC=true yarn build
  • Create the file datasets.json in the build directory:

            "id": "pbmc3k",
            "name": "pbmc3k",
            "url": "pbmc3k/pbmc3k.jsonl"
  • Move your dataset files to build:

    mv pbmc3k build
  • Test locally:

    cd build ; npx http-server .
  • Host the build directory on your static website hosting service (e.g. Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage)

Prepare Data

The prepare_data command is used to freeze an h5ad, loom, or Seurat (RDS) file in cirrocumulus format. The cirrocumulus format allows efficient partial dataset retrieval over a network (e.g Google bucket) using limited memory.

  • Example:

    cirro prepare_data pbmc3k.h5ad
  • Full list of command line options:

    usage: cirro prepare_data [-h] [--out OUT] [--format {parquet,jsonl,zarr}]
                              [--whitelist WHITELIST] [--markers MARKERS]
                              [--no-auto-groups] [--groups GROUPS]
                              [--group_nfeatures GROUP_NFEATURES]
                              [--spatial SPATIAL]
                              dataset [dataset ...]

    Positional Arguments


    Path to a h5ad, loom, or Seurat (rds) file

    Named Arguments


    Path to output directory


    Possible choices: parquet, jsonl, zarr

    Output format

    Default: “zarr”


    Optional whitelist of fields to save when output format is parquet or zarr. Use obs, obsm, or X to save all entries for these fields. Use to save a specific entry (e.g. obs.leiden)


    Path to JSON file of precomputed markers that maps name to features. For example {“a”:[“gene1”, “gene2”], “b”:[“gene3”]


    Disable automatic cluster field detection to compute differential expression results for

    Default: False


    List of groups to compute markers for (e.g. louvain). Markers created with cumulus/scanpy are automatically included. Separate multiple groups with a comma to combine groups using “AND” logic (e.g. louvain,day)


    Number of marker genes/features to include

    Default: 10


    Directory containing 10x visium spatial data (tissue_hires_image.png, scalefactors_json.json, and tissue_positions_list.csv) or a directory containing image.png, positions.image.csv with headers barcode, x, and y, and optionally diameter.image.txt containing spot diameter

Developer Instructions

  • Create a new conda environment:

    conda create --name cirrocumulus-dev
  • Clone the cirrocumulus repository:

    git clone
  • Change to cirrocumulus directory:

    cd cirrocumulus
  • Install:

    pip install --upgrade pip
    pip install -e .[dev,test]
    pre-commit install
    yarn global add typescript
    yarn install
    yarn build
    pip install -e .
  • Install additional optional Python dependencies:

    pip install s3fs
  • Create an example h5ad file in ./data/pbmc3k_processed.h5ad:

    import scanpy as sc
  • Launch cirrocumulus with the –no-open flag:

    cirro launch ./data/pbmc3k_processed.h5ad --no-open
  • Alternatively, launch the cirrocumulus server (see prepare_data):

    cirro serve
  • Run JavaScript server in development mode:

    yarn start
  • Navigate to http://localhost:3000

  • In order to run End to End tests (yarn e2e), please install GraphicsMagick (brew install graphicsmagick on Mac)

  • Testing:

    yarn e2e
    yarn test
  • Build JavaScript front-end for deployment:

    yarn build